Emily Spain and her husband love Waterfront Academy’s small school setting and their son and daughter love going to school. Get to know more about Emily and her family below.

· What do you love about Waterfront Academy?
I love the smaller school setting, Montessori education, Spanish language immersion, and the safe in-person instruction. The teachers and administrators all know the students well and tailor their approach to meet the student’s individual needs.
· Why do you think a Montessori education is ideal for your child?
A Montessori education has allowed my son and daughter to thrive both intellectually and personally. They enjoy school and are curious about the world around them. It’s taught them independence and responsibility and enhanced their ability to focus on the task at hand.
· How has learning been during the pandemic? Have you learned anything new about yourselves?
Learning during the pandemic has reminded me that as parents we are our children’s first “teachers.” We model behavior and create learning environments at home that will shape our kids for the rest of our lives. Learning can take on so many shapes and doesn’t have to be as formal or scheduled as I thought before the pandemic. Everything from making dinner, to folding laundry to exploring a new park can be a learning opportunity.
· What's your favorite seasonal activity Waterfront hosts? (i.e. Christmas pageant, Easter egg hunt, etc.)
Our entire family loves the Christmas pageant and our children delight in singing “We Three Kings” throughout the year.
· What is some of your student’s favorite work to do in school?
My son loved anything involving math or art and my daughter enjoys art and geography.
· What makes the teachers at Waterfront Academy special to you?
The teachers are kind, dedicated and talented professionals. You can tell that they love teaching and it’s a calling for them.
· How did you first find out about Waterfront Academy?
We heard about Waterfront from the local community listserv and began doing Saturday Spanish class when my son was about 18 months old.
· If you had to describe Waterfront Academy in 3 words, what would you say? Determined, Loving, and Creative.
· What is the first activity your family is looking forward to post-pandemic?
Attending a Nationals baseball game.
· Why is Waterfront Academy's faith aspect important to you?
As a Catholic family it’s nice to know that our children are learning about the faith at an early age and in a way that captures their interest and enthusiasm.
· Tell us a bit more about your family.
We are a family of five (mom, dad, six-year-old son and three-year-old daughter, and 12-year-old mini dachshund) that live on Capitol Hill. Mom and Dad are originally from Southern California and most of our extended family still live in California. Our kids enjoy soccer, baseball and dance and we are huge Nationals and Dodgers fans.
You can learn more about the admissions process and schedule a virtual tour here: ADMISSIONS | waterfrontacademy
You can apply for the upcoming school year by submitting an online application here: TADS (mytads.com)