I am very grateful for the Waterfront Academy community and the way we have bonded together over challenges and joys. Unfortunately the last couple of days we’ve seen COVID-19 grow into a pandemic. We know that attending school is critical for our students and families, and I appreciate everyone’s support while we focus on the goal of staying open as long as possible.
Waterfront Academy will follow the guidance of the CDC and District of Columbia Department of Health, in determining potential school closures (reminder: there is no school tomorrow March 13th, for a scheduled teacher in-service day. Monday we will reconvene as scheduled).
The Waterfront Academy community is actively cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, encouraging those who are not well to stay home, and promoting good health hygiene. Please encourage these preventive measures at home as well:
● Wash hands multiple times a day for at least 20 seconds
● Cover mouths with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Throw away tissues immediately, or sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow
● Do not share food or drinks
● Avoid handshakes
● If your child is ill or has a fever, keep them home from school
● Encourage a balanced diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly; this will help develop a strong immune system to fight off illness
We appreciate your grace and courtesy as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters together.
We will be in touch on a regular basis with more information regarding our plans, school closures, and responses to frequently asked questions as they arise – as well as resources about how to talk with your kids about COVID-19. Please see the flyer in the lunchboxes tonight about teaching children good handwashing skills.
Thank you and be well.